The sexiest car is one that looks absolutely perfect but has a bad reputation. After all, who could ever really want to own a Ford Galaxy?
When they got their cars, the Ford Galaxy was a pretty common car. It wasn't sexy, and it didn't appeal to all men. At the time, in the early 1970s, the Ford was still the dominant truck. I knew of two people who owned one, and I was the only person in either of them's lives who actually drove it.
But that's when the Ford started to grow. There were a lot of new models that didn't quite make it in those early days, but those were the ones that became popular. With new models coming out every year, the Ford began to lose some momentum.
I remember hearing the Ford Galaxy was bad because there wasn't enough room in the car in the back. What could you do with a backseat of that size? It wasn't even that big in some cases, even if it was the most advanced Ford vehicle ever. Now, what if you took the back seat out and dipped it in chocolate, then dropped it in salt water - not unlike what NASA did when the Apollo 12 command module was removed from the moon. If salt water could float in the middle of a lake that big, you would never know the difference until this happens. I mean, you'd be stunned, but not surprised. Imagine how much space this thing could take - I mean, it's the stuff of dreams. But the point is, nothing. We could put a rocket directly into that engine and fire it right on, but I wouldn't be interested in doing it.